Silicon carbide plate heat exchangers

CORRESIC® silicon carbide plate heat exchangers are adapted to the heating and cooling of highly corrosive and/or oxidizing chemicals. This design is the most compact and most efficient type of silicon carbide heat exchangers. Our CORRESIC® silicon carbide plate heat exchangers are composed of many thin, slightly separated silicon carbide plates that have very large surface areas and small fluid flow passages for heat transfer. Heat is transferred by conduction through the silicon carbide plates material. Plate exchangers work with countercurrent flows which allows low temperature differences, rapid temperature changes, and high efficiencies.


Rendus 3D

3D Animations


  • CORRESIC® pressureless sintered silicon carbide plates
  • Pressure plates and flanges: carbon steel or stainless steel
  • Tie rods, nuts, bolts, washers, springs: stainless steel
  • PTFE gaskets between the plates


  • Modular design: number of plates, size of plates and number of passes can be adjusted
  • Different plate sizes: 260, 500 and 580 mm
  • PTFE lined steel nozzles
  • Thermal expansion compensation ensured by helicoidal springs

Key Features:

  • Design pressure: -1 (Full vacuum) to 16 bar (240 psi)
  • Design temperature: -30°C to +200°C (-22°F to 392°F)
  • Heat transfer area: 0.5 to 7.1 m2 (5.4 to 75 ft2)
  • Nozzle sizes: DN25 / DN50 / DN80 PN16
  • Design: according to European Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU (PED) or ASME Code

Key Benefits:

  • Outstanding corrosion resistance against acid, bases and oxidizing media
  • Great heat transfer performance thanks to adjustable cross sections on both sides
  • Easy disassembly
  • Ability to mechanically clean each plate if necessary
  • Second hardest material existing on earth thus eliminating any risk of erosion
  • High operational safety
  • Extremely compact, sturdy and modular design
  • Short lead time
  • Long lifetime

Main applications:

  • Cooling and heating of ultra-corrosive and/or oxidizing chemicals or ultra-pure chemicals
  • Heat recovery between two ultra-corrosive and/or oxidizing chemicals or ultra-pure chemicals

Technical documentation


PISP1-EN-US SiC Plate and Frame Heat Exchanger - SP Series (SI and US units)

WS3550-Form-EN Questionnaire for SiC Heat Exchangers

Plate & frame heat exchangers

Plate & frame heat exchangers are composed of many thin, slightly separated plates that have very large surface areas and small fluid flow passages for heat transfer. Heat is transferred by conduction through the plates material. Plate heat exchangers work with countercurrent flows which allows lower approach temperature differences, high temperature changes, and increased efficiencies.

The thermal performance of plate heat exchangers can vary significantly. It is therefore essential to select the type and size of plate & frame heat exchanger that is the most adapted to the specific application and industrial process. There are a number of considerations including flow rate, pressure drop, risk of erosion, design pressure and temperature, materials compatibility, fouling, and many more that should be taken in account. 

GAB Neumann’s CORRESIC® Silicon carbide plate heat exchangers - SP Series

GAB Neumann’s silicon carbide plate heat exchangers are designed to cool down or heat up ultra-corrosive and/or oxydizing chemicals. Safety, reliability, and performance on the long-term are our primary considerations when we size, design and manufacture our silicon carbide plate heat exchangers.

Our extended SiC plate heat exchanger portfolio enables us to provide particularly adapted solutions to ultra-corrosive and/or oxydizing heat transfers. All our SiC plate heat exchangers’ designs are totally modular to best fit with individual process specification. The number and size of plates as well as the number of passes both on process and service sides can be adapted to best meet the velocities, pressure drops, and heat transfer requirements.

All our silicon carbide plates are machined before sintering thus guarantying a smooth heat transfer surface and ensuring their outstanding corrosion resistance.

Industrial processes:

  • Crop protection
  • Fine chemicals
  • Active pharmaceutical ingredients
  • Stainless-steel pickling
  • Fire retardants
  • Flavors and fragrances
  • Vitamins
  • Flocculants
  • Treatment, purification and concentration of spent acids
  • and many more…

GAB Neumann GmbH

Alemannenstrasse 29

79689 Maulburg


Tel: +49 (7622) 6751 0

Fax: +49 (7622) 6751 20

GAB Neumann GmbH | Alemannenstrasse 29 | D-79689 Maulburg | Phone +49 (7622) 6751 0 | Fax +49 (7622) 6751 20 | E-Mail |